Knee healed and son saved

Knee healed and son saved My wife and I were in Riga on an adoption trip that just happened to be at the same time as Awakening Baltja. On Saturday night after Todd White called for prayer for healing, I gave God every room in my house! When they prayed for healing...

Salvation on Outreach

Salvation on Outreach Wir sind so dankbar für die vier Tage bei Awakening! Wir merken richtig, was Gott in den Herzen der Leute unserer Gruppe verändert hat. Endlich haben wir verstanden was es bedeutet “Vollzeit-Christ” zu sein! Wir haben den Heiligen...

Security gets touched and saved

Security gets touched and saved Wir gingen raus in einer Gruppe und es gab nur Christen . Wir gingen wieder Richtung Stadion und sagten warum denn in die Ferne schweifen wenn das Gute liegt so nah und sind ins Stadion wieder gegangen . Gerade haben meine zwei mit...

Neack and lumbar vertebrae

Neack and lumbar vertebrae All the preachings encouraged me so much in all parts of my life and I also got healed on the first day-when Ben was praying for people in the crowd-from massive neck and lumbar vertebra inflammation. Sometimes it was so horrible that I...

Eyes got healed on the street

Eyes got healed on the street Hey guys, On Saturday I experienced a wonderful healing in the streets of Prague, when I laid hands on a women’s eyes. She had a severe eye- disease that caused her to see second frames in the frame of normal sight. She plays the piano...