Touched through live stream
Awakening Riga Event 2018
First of all – thank you for the livestream!! I was so sad that I couldn’t be in Riga too, but the streams let me feel as if I was there haha
So since I was watching your live streams, doing worship with you and praying for you, I felt the Holy Spirit in a completely different way! Especially today in the morning, it was something like goose bumps, from head to toe and I didn’t know than you can even have goose bumps in your face or toes haha😂 but this changed my way of worshipping and praying so much ! I don’t even know how to explain it. And now, everytime I am praying or worshipping I feel these goose bumps and all in all I feel God more than ever before! This was kinda an awakening of my soul…
All the preachings encouraged me so much in all parts of my life and I also got healed on the first day-when Ben was praying for people in the crowd-from massive neck and lumbar vertebra inflammation. Sometimes it was so horrible that I couldn’t move my head and hips, but in a few seconds of prayer I got healed- praise Jesus!