Freedom from hesitation
At the workshop Deliverance I feel than something wrong with me, I thought that I need a prayer. After that I start to feeling fear. Than I decided to go to someone, for prayer. But thought that need to go directly to Ben. Fear became stronger. But I overcame fear and asked Ben to pray for me. After he and other brothers and sisters praying for me, I was completely free from hesitation, from spirit of fear, free from lack of joy, free from spirit of orphanhood, from unforgiveness and hurt to my physical father. Love of God filled me so much,i have an encounter with Love of God. It was very strong physical feelings I have. My face was vibrating, and it was like oil flowing through my face. It was amazing feeling. People prayed for me, and talking things about me, what is the reason why it was my life. Now I know what to do! Thanks Lord Jesus for that.